Home Automation Step by Step using Wemos D1 Mini with PCB Design

A few weeks back we published a tutorial “Home Automation using Raspberry Pi” in rootsaid.com which was well received among hobbyists and college students. Then one of our members came up with an Arduino Home Automation system using NodeMCU. Arduino Home Automation System Here we will be showing you how to build an Arduino Home Automation System that can control electrical devices…

Arduino Home Safety Monitor System using Ubidots

Arduino Home Safety Monitor System using Ubidots

Arduino Home Safety Monitor Introduction[AdSense-C] Guys, In this post, I will show you how you can create this Arduino Home Safety Monitor to identify LPG Leakage, temperature rise, ambient light, humidity and pressure of your home, especially the kitchen, and see the data in these interactive dashboards in real time. This will also alert you…