best Home security system 2020

Best Home Security System 2021 | Top Home Security

Best Home Security Systems of 2021 Sl No Home Security System Best Buy Link 1 Kangaroo Home Smart Wireless Security and Surveillance System 2 Ring Alarm 8-piece DIY Home Security Kit 3 SimpliSafe 8 Piece Wireless Home Security System 4 Entry sensor SimpliSafe Compatible 5 Wuloo Wireless Intercom 6 Blink…

botnet attack sumilation

Defense Against Botnet | BSF – Botnet Simulation Framework

Introduction Botnets are now one of the series issues we are facing today. They are widely used by hackers and cybercriminals to perform various types of cyberattacks. Introducing an awesome tool to assess the strength of your security measures and fight against botnet attacks. What is Botnet? Bot-Net – Network of Bots. What are bots?…

protect your smartphone from hackers

How to Protect Your Smartphone? 9 Simple Tips to Secure Phones 2020!

Protect Your Smartphone These days, our phones, whether it is android or iPhone, contain a lot of your personal stuff such as contact information, photos, videos, and other media, e-banking details, which can give someone else everything they need to steal your identity or your confidential data. As you know, in the digital era, smartphones…

kali linux auto login raspberry pi
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Kali Linux Auto Login | How to Enable Autologin Kali Linux Raspberry Pi

Kali Linux Auto Login All right guys, I’m going to show you how to set up Kali Linux that it automatically logs in (Enable Kali Linux Auto Login) on the Raspberry Pi. This might be different on a desktop environment or a laptop environment. So it may or may not work there. Steps to Enable…

kali linux wifi adapter
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Kali Linux WiFi Adapter – Best WiFi Adapter For Kali Linux

Kali Linux WiFi Adapter Recently Kali Linux 2020 was released which updated the world’s best penetration testing OS with some neat hardware support including some WiFi Adapters to play around with WiFi networks. Here is a list of Best WiFi Adapter For Kali Linux that are 100% compatible with Latest Kali Linux, that can go…