Windows Crowdstrike issue

Windows Systems Crippled by CrowdStrike Update : Widespread Digital Disruption

Introduction In an unprecedented event, a massive failure of Windows systems has disrupted essential services globally. From emergency departments to banks, airports, and broadcasters, the impact of this failure has been both far-reaching and catastrophic. This narrative explores the unfolding of events, delving into the reasons behind the failure, its components, potential workarounds, and the…

Metasploit Outside LAN

Metasploit without Port Forwarding – Outside LAN over Internet

Metasploit is one of the best security testing frameworks that helps pen-testers do more than just detecting issues and sniping down the vulnerabilities; it also gears up and arms the defenders to always stay one or two steps ahead of the game. Metasploit Framework is a collection of tools for generating and running exploit codes…